Your Creativity Palette

Life is better when you add some color to it

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Who we are

We are importers and official distributors of a range of high quality eco-friendly interior and exterior design products that can turn every wish of yours into reality.

As true creators by heart and profession, we believe in the magic of colors and in the way they stimulate human creativity.

  • Paint & Waxes

    As official representatives of the Autentico Paint we offer a wide range of chalk and lime paints, as well as high-quality waxes and varnishes that can transform any interior and exterior into a true work of art.

  • Arts & Crafts

    If you like to create, paint, restore and/or decorate, our palette of unique and innovative products for the Bulgarian market will provide you with everything you need to unleash your creative self.

  • Tools & Accessories

    The creation of amazing designs and projects also largely depends on the quality of the tools that are used in the work process. We offer proven, reliable and quality tools at affordable prices to make your work easier and more enjoyable.

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Arts & Crafts

Paint Brushes

  When you are creating fine projects, you need the best tools... 


WoodUbend 3D